About Us
The featured Porgram
A comprehensive program for teaching mathematics with the latest methods, advanced quality and intensive training. The Featured program aims to develop students’ performance in mathematics. and make them love the subject
Our Features
One Note
Special One note Platform
Mock Tests
Practice tests before the final exam
Record of Lessons
We provide the ability to rewatch the lesson on your free time for more understanding
Revision Lessons
Explanation of EOT structure and final revision for the exam
Competitions and events every two weeks with Valuable Prizes
Special Accounts
Each student has a unique account to login and access the content
Online Course
Best Math courses available from your home, no need to to go anywhere.
Emsat Course
We provide Free Math Emsat Course for the registered students
Why Choosing Us ?
We have advanced technology techniques in modern online teaching that have been recently adopted by the best universities in the world.
Self Paced
We provide the best interactive environment via the Internet for ease of teaching, delivery of information, and savings in transportation time from home to education centers
Social Network
Students in the Featured Program can communicate with their colleagues within the academic limits, to exchange benefits, information and opinions, which allows them to benefit the most by learning about the experiences of others.
Our team
Mr. Ahmed Ata
mathematics Teacher and Founder of the featured program
Mr. Ahmed Ata is the founder of the Featured Program. He is a professor in the program who teaches mathematics and possesses many skills that help students during the semester, such as speed of delivery of information, clear explanation of the lesson, and answering students' questions.
Administrative supervisor
Dr. Ehab Abdeen is a person who holds a PhD in psychology and is also the academic advisor in the featured program and has a lot of experience in how to deal with students and prepare them psychologically and emotionally towards success and distinction
Website Designers
Omar Ismail
Logo Designer
It was a wonderful experience working and cooperating with Mr. Ahmed Atta, who gave me enough space to be creative, explore and release my talents to the world.
Our Students feedback!
جواهر علي سعيد
طالبة في البرنامج المميز
ننصحكم بالأشتراك مع استاذ احمد عطا ، استاذ مميز ومبدع يشرح كل سؤال بتفاصيل وبطريقة سهلة و واضحة جداً. كانت تجربة مذهلة ومنظمة مع الاستاذ احمد .
عائشة موسى
طالبة في البرنامج المميز
البرنامج لايمكن تعديله من كثر ماهو مثالي، دائماً في فرصة للسؤال، وأستاذ أحمد مش فقط أستاذ ولكن كذلك أب لنا، دائماً يتمنى لنا الخير ويحفزنا
الحارث ضياء
طالب في البرنامج المميز
افضل برنامج تعليمي إلكتروني قد جربته ان كانت من ناحية التنظيم والتدريس و الشرح وسهوله وصول المعلومه.
عمر اسماعيل
طالب في البرنامج المميز
من افضل البرامج التي انضمت اليها ، حيث ان البرنامج المميز ينمي المهارات الفكرية و العقلية ، و انا انصح من يسعى الى التميز الى الانضمام الى البرنامج .